Wednesday, October 28, 2015

You are born, your heart beats a few times, you take a few breaths, and then poof - it's over.  Click here for a reminder about just how quickly life passes.  

It's so hard to please every person every time.  Spend lots of time being empathetic and thorough and you end up running behind.  See patients in a timely and efficient manner and get ready for complaints that you are brusque and uncaring.
Physicians who are well generate "wow" experiences.  Physicians who are burned out are unable to do so.  It's that simple.

Doing everything for everyone however they want it 24/7 with disregard for clinical judgement and triage is a recipe for dissatisfaction and burnout.  
The consistent implementation of a sound strategy is the key to success in any organization.
Our medical group works best when we all do our assigned jobs well and leverage mutual respect, excellent communication, and best clinical and leadership practices to provide outstanding care for our patients.
This is the big picture of physician health and wellness.  There is no one thought, person, or program that can provide all the answers for every physician.  Each physician's wellness plan is unique to him or here.  However, every physician absolutely positively needs a wellness plan and comprehensive support system.  


Click here to read more about the Blue Zones - the five places in the world (including one community in California) where people live substantially longer and healthier and where the percentage of inhabitants reaching the age of 100 years is ten fold greater than what we see in most of America.

Click here for a refreshing 3 minute mindfulness activity by Jon Kabat-Zinn.
Your happiness, satisfaction, and wellness lie more in how you choose to respond to your circumstances than the circumstances themselves.  

The research of Professor Bob Emmon's demonstrated that patients with progressive neurologic diseases who engaged in daily gratitude journaling for a period of 21 or more consecutive days enjoyed better health outcomes and improved mood scores and were perceived to be healthier and happier by their families and friends.  
If patients with multiple sclerosis can do it, so can you.  

Please click here to enjoy a beautiful gratitude video narrated by Brother David Steindl-Rast.

Click here for 23 and 1/2 Hours, Dr. Mike Evan's argument for exercise being the single best thing we can do for your health.

Antonovsky studied the small subset of adult women Holocaust survivors who believed that they were well and that their lives were good.  He discovered that they had a "sense of coherence" that was comprised of comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness.  In the midst of working long hours and leading busy and stressful lives, physicians who retain a similar sense of coherence can be more resilient.  

Bonus wellness links
Dave Matthews #41
Steve Jobs' Stanford Graduation Speech
Brene Brown on Human Connection & Belonging
The Happy Secret to Better Work by Shawn Achor
Enjoy Every Sandwich by Lee Lipsenthal

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